Cayin is a DAP of which country’s manufacturer? China?


What is Cayin? Is Cayin a Chinese manufacturer?

Have you ever seen a DAP with a brand called “Cayin” at an online shop?

This time, I would like to explain about this brand as far as I can understand.

After reading this article, you will know “what is Cayin”.


“Cayin” is a brand of a Chinese company

Zhuhai, China

According to the Chinese official website, “Cayin” is an audio brand developed by a Chinese company called Zhuhai Spark Electronics.

Zhuhai Spark Electronics is a company headquartered in Zhuhai, China. Established in 1993.

Cayin 凯音音响 珠海斯巴克电子设备有限公司成立于 1993 年,由中国航空技术珠海有限公司投资建立,是设计制造高保真音频功率放大器及其他高级音响器材的专业企业。公司致力于自有品牌和自...


The main product is a music player

Cayin’s main product is a music player that supports high-resolution sound sources.


Amplifier is also available

Cayin also develops tube amplifiers.



From the above, “Cayin” is a Chinese audio brand.

And it will be a DAP made in China by the same brand.

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